Partners & Supporters

Help Musicians is an independent UK charity for professional musicians of all genres, from starting out through to retirement.

Find out how more about how Help Musicians can support your career, music, health and more on their website:

Bullying & Harassment Helpline

Bullying or harassment can take many forms; you may be experiencing offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting conduct, victimisation, or an abuse of power. Whether it happens face-to-face or online, and whether it’s a one-off incident or a pattern of behaviour, UK charity Help Musicians operates a free, confidential support line to help you.

The Bullying & Harassment helpline provides a safe space for you to be heard and gives you the opportunity to talk through your experiences with trained, non-judgemental advisors who will suggest next steps to help you find a resolution.

Call: 0800 088 2045

Music Minds Matter

Sometimes a career in music can feel overwhelming and it all gets too much. If you’re struggling to cope and need someone to talk to, Music Minds Matter is here.

Music Minds Matter is Help Musicians’ dedicated support line for mental health, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, open to anybody working in the UK music industry.

You can speak to them anytime; it doesn’t have to be about music, and it doesn’t have to be a crisis. Music Minds Matter is here to listen and support you through what you’re dealing with.

Call Music Minds Matter on 0808 802 8008

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