We Are The Unheard's mission is

to provide accessible training and development support to gender minorities and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our goal is to guide participants from the beginner stage to a professional career, aiming to significantly increase the representation of female-identifying producers and songwriters in the music industry.

Meet the Teachers


Eve Horne is a pioneering figure in the music industry with over 20 years of experience as a singer, songwriter, and producer.

As a mixed-race, gay, single parent from a council estate with Autism and ADHD, her diverse background enriches her advocacy.

Eve founded We Are The UNHEARD CIC to amplify underrepresented voices and promote gender equality.

She is an Ivor's Academy Senator and the first woman of color on the Music Producers Guild board.

In 2024, she was part of the Women In CTRL's Seat At The Table Report and a judge for the BRIT and Ivor's Awards. Eve's work significantly impacts the music industry.

Visit @eve_horne on Instagram for more.


Anna Lakatos, aka ANNA DISCLAIM, is a multi-talented electronic musician, singer, audio engineer, and educator based in London.

Active since 2014, she works as a recording and mix engineer, and music producer.

An Ableton Certified Trainer and University Lecturer, she specializes in object-based 3D sound and is pursuing postgraduate studies.

Anna has facilitated masterclasses at festivals like Dimensions and Outlook, and contributed to industry publications.

She authored 'The Music Producer’s Creative Guide to Ableton Live 11' and is working on her second book.

Visit annadisclaim.com for more.


Pops Roberts is a key player in the UK soul and electronic scenes, known as a producer, vocalist, and Ableton Certified Trainer.

Performing under the name Private Joy, she leads the ‘Lovescene’ collective with acclaimed releases on labels like WOLF Music and International Feel Ibiza.

Pops has collaborated with artists such as Ruf Dug and Zed Bias.

She mentors for the British Arts Council and Saffron Records, focusing on creative production strategies for vocalists.

Pops' innovative contributions continue to shape the music landscape.

Visit @pops_roberts on Instagram for more.

The Programme

Introduction to Ableton

2 hours
a week

8 weeks

via Zoom

3 In-person

networking events with masterclasses with industry professionals.

Who can Join?

If you identify as:



Trans woman

Gender Non-Conforming

Age 18+


The interface

Learn about how to navigate around Ableton Live including the browser, transport, and mixer sections.


Understanding two of Ableton Live Intro’s chance tools. Note chance and Velocity chance give you fun variations to your patterns, more dynamics and a more human feel.

BEATS - Drum Racks

Understanding Drum Rack, recording using your computer keyboard, quantizing and saving your project

recording & editing audio

Learn the different ways to record Audio, Mic connection and Audio Interfaces. understand comping, editing the audio & different warp modes.


Building your ideas quickly and layering sounds using Ableton Live Intro’s killer MIDI transformation tools.

sampling with Simpler

Time to have fun! Play around with other Live Intro’s stock sampler and understand internal sampling.

arrangement & automation

Arrange your project so you can perform it as a live jam from session view into arrangement view!

basic mixing

Learn how to create your mix and use creative effects processing to improve your sounds.

What you will leave with

Understanding how you navigate your way around Ableton, being able to complete a track, understand how to use plugins and record your audio, understanding MIDI, Audio interfaces exporting your tracks.

Community access to private WATUA FB group

Industry insights

Eligible for Ableton Live Intro Licence

Flare Audio Merch

Join the Movement

Calling all female identifying people!

Get a T-shirt or Hoodie;

  • Take a photo wearing the T-shirt or hoodie;

  • Upload the photo to your socials, tag @weare_theunheard and use these hashtags:

    • #iamoneoftheunheard

    • #wearetheunheard

    • #wesupporttheunheard

    • #unheardacademy

    • #wearetheunheardacademy

  • I am getting so much out of the We Are the unheard Academy. Thank you for helping me feel less alone on the journey of making music, believe that women can be music producers, and thank you for never making me feel stupid for asking questions.

    Donna, WATU Academy

  • It was amazing! I want to say a big thank you to Eve for teaching us, for the gems and the jokes. This is the first time I've been able to understand Ableton and I'm looking forward to getting my ideas out there!

    Kemi, WATU Academy

  • Being part of We Are the Unheard has been so good for me and my confidence. It's given me a great group of friends I can go to when I need advice and guidance when I need it.

    Minnie, WATU Academy

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